Đen x JustaTee - Đi Về Nhà (M/V)

Brand: Honda Vietnam

Agency: Dentsu Redder

Production house: Flex Films

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Mô tả:

An extraordinary way and it continues to have a stronger impact ever since. "Even when things have changed, home has always been home." MV was winning Music Video of The Year by the prestigious Cống Hiến award 2020.


Brand: Honda Vietnam

Agency: Dentsu Redder

Production house: Flex films

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Tác giả nổi bật

Kim Yến
Kim Yến

Content Writer | Advertising Vietnam

Như Quỳnh
Như Quỳnh

Content Writer | Advertising Vietnam

Thùy Linh
Thùy Linh

AI Writer Intern | Advertising Vietnam

Reputa - Social Listening
Reputa - Social Listening

Trung tâm Dịch vụ dữ liệu và Trí tuệ nhân tạo Viettel

Hoàng My
Hoàng My

Editor | Advertising Vietnam